World Savings (Thrift) Day 2024: Date, Wishes, Quotes, Messages & Poster and More

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World Savings (Thrift) Day which is celebrated every year on 31st October all over the world, World Savings (Thrift) Day 2024: Date, Wishes, Quotes, Messages & Poster and More

World Savings Day is also known as World Savings Day, World Savings Day was first started on 31 October 1924, with the main objective of making people aware of bank savings across the world.

Because in the present time people have increased their expenditure so much.

that they are not able to save even if they want, so through the bank they can deposit some part of their income as savings. So that financial imbalance does not arise in future.

History of World Savings (Thrift) Day

The day was first started on 31 October 1924 during the first conference organized by the International Savings Bank (Congress) and on the last day of the conference it was declared as World Savings Day.

World Savings Day song composition?

The song of World Savings Day was composed in the year 1928 by Ginni Valori on the occasion of World Savings Day, whose main purpose was to make people aware about saving.

What is the theme of World Savings Day 2024?

World Savings Day is celebrated every year with a new theme, the theme for the year 2024 is “Savings Prepares You for the Future”.

Importance of World Savings Day

In the present time, saving and saving money determines the future level of a person because on the basis of this a country is determined on the basis of poverty line.
Because if you have savings in the present time, then you can live your life happily in future and if you do not have money in the present situation, then there may be a need to take a loan in difficult circumstances.

Important lines related to savings day

  • World Savings Day was started on 31 October with the aim of increasing the cooperation of banks.
  • World Savings Day was first started on 31 October 1924.
  • First of all 7000 Banks and 27 countries accepted this day.
  • Conferences were held at national and international level to explain the importance of saving

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Happy World Savings (Thrift) Day 2024: Wishes

Never spend your money before you have it.

Thomas Jefferson
World Savings (Thrift) Day
World Savings (Thrift) Day

“Smallest of the savings made today have the power to give you a better future… Never give up on the habit of saving.
World Savings (Thrift) Day 2022
World Savings (Thrift) Day

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. – Henry David Thoreau
World Savings (Thrift) Day image

“Savings are very important, for the unpredictable tomorrow and for a happier tomorrow….
World Savings (Thrift) Day images
World Savings (Thrift) Day

“Economic resources of the country should be utilized for the well being of the poor. The change will commence from this Point
World Savings (Thrift) Day quotes
World Savings (Thrift) Day

“Saving money is the best gift you can give to you future self.”
World Savings (Thrift) Day banner

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
World Savings (Thrift) Day banner
World Savings (Thrift) Day

“It is good to buy what you like now for yourself but it is even better to save for yourself when you can.”
World Savings (Thrift) Day poster
World Savings (Thrift) Day

When is World Savings Day celebrated?

World Savings Day is celebrated every year on 31 October.

When was World Savings Day first celebrated?

This day was first celebrated on 31 October 1924.

What is the purpose of celebrating World Savings Day

To spread awareness among the people about saving.

When is Savings Day celebrated in India?

It is celebrated on 30 October in India.

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